About me
Spinach & banana muffins
These are so easy and quick. I had a load of fresh spinach to use up and my youngest boy L has begun weaning so its lots of fun in our house atm but i do find i’m more stretched for time second time ’round. Wednesday’s can be a cooking day with R being at…
Happy Chinese Year of the rat!
I am very excited to share with you that I am holding a Special Easter Parent & Children Yoga as well as a Toddler Session on Sunday 12th April. VENUE: The new village hall, Cofton Hackett. Email me at yogareallyworks@outlook.com for more info
Maternity Leave has begun!
The summer classes are all finished and i’m settling into Nesting and Preparation mode (mostly filling the freezer with meals and going through the nursery now that R is in his new room)! I’ve also discovered Nadiya Hussain’s cookery show: she’s got some great ideas and inspiring. So It’ll be quiet on here for a…
I’m going on Maternity Leave!
So there will be 4 months of no classes. Classes return January 2020. The last block of Antenatal classes starts this week, 13th June. Stretch & Relax classes finish 19th July whilst there’s only 2 weeks left to catch a Wednesday night’s Beginners Class… It’s all moving very quickly! However I am teaching 4 classes…
Next Pregnancy Yoga Block
This will begin after the Easter Break Thursday 2nd May 2019 and will run for 6 weeks finishing on the 6th June. This is at Saint Nicolas Place, B38 8RU. Places are bought in advance for £51 and suitable for newbies to yoga and from 12 weeks!
Next Pregnancy Yoga block
Hi all I am taking bookings for the next block of antenatal yoga classes. These start Thursday 29th November then there is a week break for CHRISTMAS (last class 20th December) Then returning Thursday 3rd January and finishing the 10th Dec. Contact me for sign up xx
*New Year 1 day of Yoga* 5th January 2019
Hello! I am taking bookings for the next one day retreat in January next year. This is called Refresh and Reboot. Definitely NOT a boot camp! As always is present in my classes a playful attitude will be cultivated and the celebration of our bodies; yoga as a dance form will be explored. The…