These were a blast to make! ‘Very moist and tasty’ was the feedback from my Pregnant ladies.
Ingredients 250g plain flour 1 can of chick peas (drain, keep the liquid/brine and wash the peas) 2tbs of chickpea liquid 200g sugar (i used caster) 6 tbs melted coconut oil 1 tsp vanilla extract 60g Chocolate chips * 1tsp salt
- Using a mixer mash up the washed chickpeas to a pulp
- Add the sugar, vanilla and chickpea liquid. *(If using brine, emit the salt)
- When all combined, add the flour
- Stir in the chocolate chips
- Pour the mixture into a greased, lined square tin
- Bake at 170 degrees for 20 mins
- Slice up while still warm